Here are a few well-known programs and some typical courses.
The University of Chicago Publishing Program
The University of Chicago Press is one of the largest academic presses in the nation, with an output of about 250 books a year and a backlist of almost four thousand books. The University of Chicago also conducts an outstanding academic publishing program for professionals and recent graduates. The program's courses are largely taught by the staff of the University of Chicago Press.
The program offers quarter-long courses, short seminars, and one- day workshops for working professionals from the field of publishing. It also offers a year-long introduction to publishing, consisting of three quarter-long courses: basic manuscript editing, introduction to book or magazine design, and introduction to book or magazine production.
After the first year, the program offers a second year specialization in writing, editing, and production.
A typical course in the program's curriculum is "Freelancing in Publishing: The Career Potential." This course is taught by three editors who have made freelancing their careers, and explores the many issues involved with self-employment, as well as the specific opportunities in this increasingly popular area.
The University of Chicago's year-long sequences are geared to recent college graduates planning to enter publishing, as well as those working in other fields eager to make a change.
For information on this outstanding program, write to Stephanie Meedlock, Director, Publishing Program, 5835 Kimbark Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637-1608, (312) 702-1682.
City University of New York Publishing Program
Courses in this program include "The Profession of Literary Agent: A Workshop," "Selling Subsidiary Rights," "Marketing and Sales for the Non-Specialist," and "Copyediting and Proofreading Workshop." For information, write to Education in Publishing Program, City University Graduate Center, 33 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036.
New York University Book Publishing Certificate Program
New York University conducts a diploma program in book publishing. Courses include "Editorial Processes and Procedures," "Elements of Production," and "Organization and Management in Publishing." Completing six courses is required for achieving the certificate. Write to Diploma Program in Book Publishing, New York University, Two University Place, New York, NY 10003.
Writers Conferences and Workshops
One cannot expect to attend a four-week writing workshop and emerge as a skilled writer. Becoming a writer is a long process involving infinite hours of reading, as well as studying and analyzing the techniques of professionals. Along with creative writing courses at the college level, such workshops will, however, nurture one's talent. Then it's a case of writing, writing, and more writing.
Most colleges offer excellent writing programs. However, attendance at a good writer's conference or workshop is additionally helpful because of the opportunity to meet successful authors. At times, a mentor relationship may be established. Just being immersed in this environment may spark creativity.
Literary Market Place (LMP) lists about 170 writers' conferences and workshops, many conducted during the summer. We list just a few of them and suggest that the reader consults LMPior names, addresses, and schedules.
Attending a summer publishing or extension program, or writers' conference, involves time and money. However, I do believe the rewards in terms of preparation for a career in book publishing or in training to become a writer make the commitment worthwhile.