The first thing is to know is what type of book you have written. Is it non-fiction, fiction, a children’s bedtime story, adult drama, or comedy. Does my book need photographs? All of these questions must be answered. Why is this important? Understanding which type of book you have written will determine which publisher will accept your manuscript to review. Certain publishing companies specialize in one type of genre but others have a broader range. You must compare publishers and see which is right for you.
Even before you get to the publishing step you first need to find a literary agent and submit a query letter. Literary agents represent your work and promote it to publishers. Literary agents are needed because chances are, your manuscript will not be accepted by the larger publishing houses if not properly represented. Finding the right literary agent will determine again, which type of genre your book is. Typically, a real, professional, legitimate literary agent will not charge a reading fee; literary agents take a percentage of earnings the book generates. The average rate a literary agent receives in domestic book sales is 10%-15%. To ensure you’re in the right hands, research agents that belong to the Association of Authors’ Representatives. This will greatly improve that your agent has a respectable, ethical reputation and will work for you to meet your best interests.
A query letter is the introduction to your book. This must be well written and give the literary agent insight to what the book is about overall. A good or bad query letter can make or break your first step in becoming published. Literary agents have their own tastes and personal interests so don’t write a query letter to an agent who specializes in children’s fiction and yours is adult non-fiction. This will show ignorance and your lack of professionalism. Selling your idea and why it should be read is critical in the publishing process. Query letters have certain guidelines depending on which literary agent you send it to. A specific word count and topics you must cover for example. You must follow these guidelines carefully to show that you can follow directions to the agent and you are a serious author. If such guidelines can’t be met , the literary agent will in all likelihood pass you over.
Literary agents will craft and develop your book into a fine polished, professional manuscript ready for the publishing houses. Those who charge an expensive reading fee for your manuscript, chances are they are not legitimate and are part of a scam. A legitimate literary agent will be extremely valuable for you and guide you in the right direction in getting your book published, but be aware and research. There are honest literary agents and publishers out there so look carefully.
Rejection is almost assured but don’t give up. Though many literary agents may pass on your manuscript send it to as many as possible. It only takes one to agree to read it and give you the opportunity you have been looking for. It’s important to not think your book is garbage, unless it is, if you keep getting rejected. Literary agents and publishers receive so many manuscripts they can only choose the absolute best in hoping to make some money. Understand that there will also be criticisms and don’t become offended. Take those notes and work on them to create a better story, well developed full characters, and so on. Also, you should Research free tutorials and writing tips on grammar, sentence structure, and syntax. You don’t have to be a linguistic genius, but knowing basic grammar is obviously important.
Take advice from those who will give it and listen to what they have to say. Realize you can’t write the book to please everyone who reads it. It will take time for literary agents to read your query letter and if they decide to accept your manuscript give them the time to do so. If they don’t response within 6 months the chances are they are not interested and look to another who might be. All this work trying to get your book published seems nearly impossible to complete, but it does and can happen if you have the will to make it happen. Publishing your book takes time, effort, and a lot of patience. You must show you believe in your writing to be taken seriously. Chances are you won’t become the next great author of the 21st century, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try.